Get ready to revolutionize residential parking with My Community VIP! Learn more about how My Community VIP helps to make vehicle registration simple and easy, with an efficient management process for both residents and the community manager.

Managing parking in residential communities was always a headache until the invention of My Community VIP. It is an all-in-one solution for any resident or community manager who seeks to manage parking effectively and efficiently. Herein, we will go through the features and the benefits of My Community VIP with a step-by-step tutorial on how to register and manage your vehicles.

The process of creating and managing a vehicle profile is very easy in My Community VIP. Here is how to do it:

Step 1: Resident Profile Creation:

  • Visit
  • Click on “Resident Profile Access.”
  • Enter your community details and passcode provided by the community.
  • Fill in all the required information to verify and submit the profile.

Step 2: Wait for Approval

  • Upon submission, wait for your profile to be approved by your community.
  • Check your email for the passcode that is included in your approval email.

Step 3: Registering Your Vehicle

  • Go back to and click on “Resident Profile Access.”
  • Type your community name, then manage your resident profile.
  • Log in using your apartment number and email passcode.
  • Add a vehicle, including the make, model, color, and license plate number.

Get your permit or permit-less parking access by completing the registration process. For issues, contact customer support for assistance.

my community vip

My Community VIP offers equally robust community tools for managers in the process of streamlining the management of parking. The platform provides two basic services. These are:

  • Permit Parking Services – Paperless Permits: The community manager is able to approve resident profiles and provide paperless, approval-based parking permits. Residents may edit their vehicle profiles as often as needed, saving the manager’s administrative time.
  • Permitless Parking Services – Electronic Parking Management: This is a service whereby the license plate of the vehicle functions as an electronic permit. With this, community managers can handle vehicle profiles easily without issuing physical permits to make sure modern and efficient parking management is done.
  • Community Management Platform
  • The system offers a superior management system to community managers in which they can:
  • Authorize the requests for the parking profile
  • Issue special community codes
  • Manage permit and permit-less parking services
  • Restrict the number of vehicles per apartment unit
  • Avoid unwanted vehicle parking.

My Community VIP is specifically designed for home communities to help them with common challenges in parking. Some of the major reasons for using My Community VIP are as follows:

  • Custom Preferences in Parking: The community manager can set preferences of parking and restrictions to ensure that the available parking spaces are utilized effectively and without any biases.
  • Time Saving Management: Residents create their profiles, and all one needs to do is approve it. This will help save much time and reduce administration tasks indirectly.
  • Better Community Relations: Good relationships are established between residents and community managers through efficient parking management.
  • Maximized Productivity: Automating operations, speeding up verification processes, increases overall productivity.
  • Paperless Management: With online permits and verifications, the platform reduces paper works hence managing it more efficiently.
  • Minimized Unwanted Parking: Unauthorized parking is reduced to near zero hence ensuring more spaces for residents and guests.

My Community VIP Customer Support: Log in to our online portal for support, call +1 888 883 7458, or email

To create a resident profile, you just have to log in to and select “Resident Profile Access.” From here, you’ll want to follow the instructions to add your community details and passcode.

 If you are not approved, you can contact your community manager or contact the customer support of My Community VIP for further help.

Yes, you will be able to have multiple registered vehicles. You just need to add their information into your resident profile.

Permit less parking uses your vehicle’s license plate as an electronic permit. Once your vehicle profile gets approved, this license plate will be your permit.

Community managers gain a number of benefits due to automated operations, reduced administrative workload, and practical parking management that reduces chaos in the community.

My Community VIP manages residential parking in a seamless and efficient manner for every resident or community manager. This platform frees one from the headaches of parking by fast-tracking registration, verification, and permit issuance. With My Community VIP, experience trouble-free parking management and ensure order and harmony in your community.